How to Apply For a Skilled Sponsored Visa in Australia

skilled sponsored visa

Having a skilled sponsored visa allows you to live and work in Australia for up to four years. It is the most common Australian migration scheme. However, there are some important steps to take before applying for a visa.

The first step is to find a sponsoring employer. A sponsoring employer is an Australian business that has been approved to sponsor skilled migrants from overseas. They must be a lawfully operating business and commit to hiring Australian labour. Having a skilled sponsor can be the first step to becoming an Australian permanent resident.

Second, you must have the appropriate education and qualifications. This may involve completing a degree in a recognised engineering institution. You must also pass a points test. Lastly, you must have sufficient work experience in an occupation on the Skilled Occupations List.

An Australian business can sponsor a skilled worker through an employer nomination scheme. This is a form of employer sponsored migration that is designed to address a shortage of skilled labor.

This visa allows you to live and work in Australia while your nominated Australian employer employs you in Australia. There are two types of employer nomination scheme visas. The first is the short term skilled shortage subclass 482 visa. The other is the regional sponsored migration subclass 187 visa.

The skilled-regional visa allows you to work and live in a particular region of Australia. However, you must be sponsored by an Australian relative living in the area.

Getting the services of an immigration solicitor Melbourne is a great option for those who are looking to move to Australia. These attorneys will provide advice on a variety of immigration issues, including legal obligations to your employer and the procedures involved in applying for a visa. They will also discuss permanent visa options, as well as temporary visa options.

Having an experienced attorney will help ensure that you receive the best results. Immigration law is a complicated area of law that can be confusing for people without a legal background. Using an immigration solicitor will ensure that you have access to a knowledgeable lawyer who will guide you through the entire process.

The team at AIM Lawyers are dedicated to providing the highest level of service and care to their clients. They are members of the Migration Institute of Australia and have a practising certificate from the Supreme Court of Victoria. They are also committed to providing pro bono services to those in need.

AIM Lawyers specializes in employment-based working visas and green cards for marriages. The firm is also highly experienced in deportation issues.

The team at AIM Lawyers is highly experienced and provides a comprehensive service to their clients. Their lawyers have years of experience and are dedicated to providing a personalized service. They have a great deal of empathy and will fight for your case. Their lawyers are also experts in all areas of dealing with immigration law.